Singapore Convention Week

Singapore Convention Week

2 Seasons

Many countries around the world today are stepping into an era of recovery. While some challenges remain, we have worked together as one global community to overcome various difficulties over the past few years and are now marching towards a new chapter.

We believe that new possibilities and opportunities await us in the path ahead. Against this backdrop, we have organised this year’s UNCITRAL Academy on the theme, "Tomorrow’s World Today: Leading the Future of Dispute Resolution".

We have a line-up of speakers across the various events this year, including international thought leaders, in various fields, including disputes practitioners, general counsel, academia, and government officials.

We hope to provide you with opportunities to exchange views and ideas, and explore collaborations and possibilities to shape the future of dispute resolution.

Our deepest appreciation goes to our partner organisations, speakers, moderators and most importantly UNCITRAL for working with us to put together a comprehensive and exciting programme.

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Singapore Convention Week